The Tenth LSHK Workshop on Cantonese (WOC-10)
香港語言學學會 第十屆粵語討論會
New Horizons in Cantonese Grammar 粵語語法學的新視野
G04 Y. C. Liang Hall (LHC), CUHK, November 13, 2010
2010年11月13日 香港中文大學 潤昌堂 G04室
Time 時間 |
Speakers 講者 |
Titles 題目 |
10:00am –10:10am |
Convener of WOC-10
第十屆粵語討論會召集人 |
「粵語討論會」的緣起 |
Session 1 |
Chair 主持人: Po-Yee CHIU 丘寶怡 |
10:10am –10:50am** |
Benjamin K. T’SOU 鄒嘉彥
The Hong Kong Institute of Education
香港教育學院 |
A Sociolinguistic Study of Yue-Cantonese Speech Communities Beyond the Pearl River Delta Region從社會語言學角度看珠三角地區以外的粵語族群 |
10:50am – 11:30am |
Andy C. CHIN 錢志安
The Hong Kong Institute of Education
香港教育學院 |
Cantonese Linguistics Studies in Diachronic, Synchronic and Typological Perspectives粵語的三維研究方法 |
11:30am –12:10pm |
Bit-chee KWOK 郭必之
City University of Hong Kong
香港城市大學 |
粵語家族大分裂的原因:外在因素 |
12:10pm –2:00pm |
Break 休息 |
Session 2 |
Chair 主持人: Shin KATAOKA 片岡 新 |
2:00pm –2:40pm |
Sze-Wing TANG 鄧思穎
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
香港中文大學 |
當粵語遇上句法學──點解做?點樣做?做啲乜? |
2:40pm – 3:20pm |
Ben AU YEUNG 歐陽偉豪
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
香港中文大學 |
街頭巷尾日常用語的「小題大做」 |
3:20pm –4:00pm |
Carine YIU 姚玉敏
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
香港科技大學 |
粵語歷史語法研究綜述 |
4:00-4:30 |
Coffee Break 茶歇 |
Session 3 |
Chair 主持人: Picus DING 丁思志 |
4:30pm –5:10pm |
Peppina LEE 李寶倫
City University of Hong Kong
香港城市大學 |
語義學與粵語研究有交叉點嗎?──從粵語動詞詞綴及句末助詞出發 |
5:10pm –5:50pm |
Angel LIN 練美兒
The University of Hong Kong
香港大學 |
Grammatical Metaphor in Cantonese and Cantonese as an Academic Language |
5:50pm –6:30pm |
Thomas H.-T. LEE 李行德
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
香港中文大學 |
為甚麼研究兒童語言? |
**The papers in Chinese will be presented in Cantonese. There will be 25-minutes for each presentation plus 15 minutes for discussion.
WOC-10 is jointly organized by Linguistic Society of Hong Kong and Research Centre for Cantonese, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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